• Increase input file maximum size to 500MB
  • Clustering: don’t allow Dendogram visualisation above 50 sites. (otherwise rendering is way too slow)
  • Fix bug in {openxlsx} when convering date-time on long object
  • Fix a bug in distance calculation in 1.1.3 that was released too quickly. (bug introduced with latest version of {sf})
  • Change max upload size from 30MB to 50MB
  • Update README
  • Allow categorie_visuelle_cycliste with plural version (Utilitaires instead of Utilitaire for example) #79

  • Fix #81 to improve information on logs displayed in case of duplicated ids

  • Fix #84 for better mismatch detection based on ‘id_quest’ value.

  • Store correction proposition during geocoding phase. These proposition were only displayed in the log before. They now appear in new columns called "proposition_*" (Fix #65 #76)

  • Fix #77 Missing data in one of the input worksheets now creates an error. Empty worksheet comptages_automatiques is allowed but creates a warning.

  • Fix #75 that displayed a progress bar in the logs

  • Fix a bug on check_evavelo() when a column was missing from *_post_traitement version of one of the sheets (linked to #78)

  • Remove dependency to dev version of openxlsx (following release of 4.2.4)

  • Fix bug when trying to display cluster graph without clicking on the button

  • Fix bug when importing a file with empty “enquetes” sheet.

  • Update documentation

  • add examples as exported objects

  • Update documentation
  • Read counting data from worksheet comptages_automatiques

  • Add site clustering and dendogram visualization #24

  • Segmentation of distance_dom_enq_reelle in 3 fields distance_dom_enq_reelle_regions distance_dom_enq_reelle_france distance_dom_enq_reelle_etranger #63

  • Detects foreign cities in ville_res #57. We use Open Street Map engine (Nomatim) that has a rate limit of 1 request per second. Geocoding can be slow if there are a lot of different cities outside of France.

  • Speed improvement in geocoding by using local list of cities (France and Outside)

  • Improve documentation

  • Add a pkgdown website for documentation

  • Add find_wrong_geocoding() to export all the cities that couldn’t be geocoded.

  • Improve UI to separate each treatment

  • Add check_num_oultiers() function (#34)

  • Exploratory analysis on outliers #34

  • Add volume and taille_groupe check on multiple id_quest #53

  • Detects potential multiple answers #54

  • User Interface improvement #33

  • Logs are now all written in french #20

  • Fix issues #50 #51 #49 on categories.

  • #39 : change coherence criteria

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue #37 that didn’t compare correctly id_quest from enquete and comptage

  • Fix issue #40 where categories were not update in comptage

  • Fix issue #42 when id_quest was stored in numeric columns in Excel.

  • Fix issue #44 when dms == 0

  • Add button in the UI to download full file and logs

  • Add update_wb() function

  • #21 Add check on similarity between sheets and their _post_traitement equivalent.

  • Fix issue #22 on correct_categ.R with identical responses in categorie

  • Fix issues #23, #25

  • Add “coherence” in category correction
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.